Nine Important Things to Do After a Construction Accident


Injuries sustained at the workplace may sound like a part of the routine for construction workers to an outsider. However, its true impact is only understood by someone who is unfortunate enough to face this ordeal firsthand. 

If you have been a victim of a construction accident, you know how these accidents can be severe. These accidents can cause severe injuries, leading to physical and mental agony, loss of wages, and a lack of satisfaction in your life.

If you or a loved one have faced a construction accident recently, here are some important tips to keep in mind.

1. Start with Seeking Medical Help

The first thing you must do after facing a construction accident is to get the much-needed medical help. Remember that seeking medical help is not necessary only when you have visible injuries. Some injuries may not show but can cause significant damage over time.

Concussions or internal bleeding are just some of the injuries that may not show on the surface but can be very serious and even life-threatening in some cases. You can only cater to these injuries timely with the help of a professional healthcare provider.

2. Avoid Giving a Recorded Statement

One of the most important things you must learn early while dealing with a construction accident is that insurance companies are not by your side. Sure, they may sound very friendly and empathic, but they use every trick to their benefit.

As someone who has faced a construction accident, you must avoid giving a recorded statement to the insurance company at all costs. They will likely give you a call and ask for your side of the story, but you should not say a word until you have an experienced Rochester Construction Accident Lawyers by your side.

Anything you say in your recorded statement can be used against you by your opponents. A professional construction lawyer can tell you what to say and how to say it to ensure your best interest.

3. Keep a Journal

When dealing with an event as traumatic as a construction accident, consider journaling to be your best friend. You can use this journal to record every important detail about your healing journey after facing a construction accident. 

In addition to writing about your feelings, you can also write about any physical or mental limitations you have struggled with since the accident. The more details you have in this journal, the better it is for you, especially if you are considering legal action against the responsible party.

4. Gather Important Evidence

When you reach out to the legal system to help you find justice for your physical, mental, and financial trouble, you cannot rely on hearsay to strengthen your case. You need solid evidence to back up your claim and carefully document it.

Whether you fell from a height or were electrocuted, make sure you take pictures of the vulnerable circumstances after the accident. Every picture has a role to play in ensuring your best interest. If you are unable to do this by yourself, you can ask a friend or a family member for help.

After collecting immediate evidence from the scene, make sure that you also keep detailed evidence of the aftermath. From the doctors’ reports and medical bills, every bit of information helps you get closer to maximizing compensation for your loss. 

5. Get in Touch with the Property Owner

The circumstances that hurt you can also hurt someone else. You can prevent this from happening by taking responsible and timely action. Once you have gotten the much-needed medical attention, you must get in touch with the property owner to report the accident.

If you cannot find the responsible party, you can also get in touch with the police to report the problem. Of course, reporting the problem is very important. However, make sure that you get in touch with non-emergency police for reporting.

6. Exchange Information with Witnesses

Another important thing you can do to strengthen your case is to collect witnesses’ information. If there were coworkers around you at the time of the accident, you must ask them for their names and contact information to get a recorded statement for later.

Every witness who corroborates your theory of the responsible party’s fault can strengthen your case. These statements can be used during the claims or lawsuit recovery process to maximize your compensation after a significant loss.

7. Care for Yourself

Caring for yourself can become one of the biggest challenges, especially when you are focused on seeking compensation for the injustice you faced. But you should not forget that both things are equally important to you.

No matter what, make sure that you always follow your doctor’s orders and attend all your scheduled doctor’s appointments. Sticking to your doctor’s instructions not only ensures your overall well-being but also leads the insurance adjuster or jurors to believe that your injuries are as severe as you say.

8. Avoid Social Media

There is no doubt that social media has become an unavoidable part of our everyday lives. While you never have to hold back from sharing your life on social media, limiting the usage after filing a claim can shed a negative light on your case.

Make sure that you do not post anything that implies that you are well and healthy. These pictures can be used as evidence against you. Hence, it is best to put your account on hold till you have secured maximum settlement for your losses.

9. Hire a Construction Accident Lawyer

Navigating through the legal world can be complex and overwhelming, especially if you do not have any prior experience in this aspect. You need someone who knows the world of construction law inside out, such as a construction accident lawyer.

These professionals have the relevant hands-on experience to help you understand your rights and maximize compensation for your losses. They can also help you by addressing any concerns and guiding you through the process one step at a time.

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